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Together, We Are Unstoppable
Become a member today and join the ranks of legal professionals promoting and ensuring the participation and advancement of African-American women in the field of law.
Founded in 1975, the Association of Black Women Lawyers of New Jersey (ABWL) is the first women’s bar association in the state of New Jersey. ABWL is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that promotes and encourages the participation of women, particularly African-American women, in the field of law. For example, ABWL annually awards competitive scholarships to eligible African-American female law students. Since its inception, ABWL has served as a link in the strategy to gain legal, educational, economic and social empowerment to enhance the quality of life for African-American women, our families and fellow attorneys. The most illustrious women in the bar and on the bench of New Jersey are ABWL’s founders and members.
Membership in ABWL provides access to information that is disseminated over our listserv, on our website, at meetings, and through other mediums. Such information includes legal employment opportunities, and requests for attorney referrals; business and professional development and advancement; continuing legal education (CLE) providers (i.e., The Honorable Marie White Bell American Inn of Court); lifestyle issues and support; business services and products for the legal profession; and social and professional networking events.
Membership in ABWL provides opportunities to advance the legal profession and rule of law in collaboration with other bar associations, judiciary committees, and working groups. ABWL and its members serve on and collaborate with state commissions and boards and cross-functional professional and civic associations to provide unique perspectives and resources to our extended communities.
Membership in ABWL offers opportunities to connect with professional women of color and use our collective strengths to educate, advance and improve the conditions of the communities we live, work and/or serve. Through our Reaching Back as We Rise community service initiatives, members are able to learn, share and disseminate information on a multiplicity of issues that impact New Jersey’s residents. While serving with the many talented and committed members of ABWL, social and professional relationships and “networks” are established and nurtured.
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Application/Renewal FormMembership Benefits
ABWL’s members have expertise in many areas of the law. We are currently compiling a more comprehensive directory of the practice areas of our members to assist young lawyers. ABWL is also called upon as a source of referrals among members.
ABWL receives information about government and private employment opportunities; community and bar association activities and regularly distributes this information to the membership.
In addition to sponsoring Continuing Legal Education seminars with other bar associations, ABWL invites speakers to its bi-monthly meetings to discuss a range of issues of concern to attorneys of color.
A scholarship fundraiser that enjoys the support of both current and former members, legal professionals and the community-at-large. At the Brunch, ABWL traditionally awards the Bernadine Johnson Marshall – Martha Belle Scholarships to African-American female law students attending New Jersey law schools.
ABWL is often contacted on important issues ranging from Affirmative Action and Women in Business to seeking out appointees to Supreme Court Committees and State Commissions that impact our membership and community.
ABWL also advocates for outstanding individuals seeking public and private appointments. Our non-partisan philosophy has been key to the strength of the organization.
In an effort to educate and serve the communities of color and others about legal issues that directly impact their lives, ABWL provides legal seminars and career programs at various venues, including churches and schools throughout the State.
Membership in ABWL-NJ provides access to information that is disseminated over our listserv. This often includes information of interest to women of color and small business owners.
Our bi-monthly meetings are informal and oriented to the business of the organization. At each meting we address members’ concerns as women in the law. Along with other specialty bar associations and sections of the New Jersey State Bar Association, we co-sponsor events and continuing education courses. Our members also serve on New Jersey State Bar Association and Supreme Court Committees. Through this participation, Members are given the opportunity to meet other professionals in a comfortable environment.